Sunday, April 15, 2007

Day 105: Tax Day

Workouts. . .
20 min. walk with dog

Success! I found the Morningstar steak strips. They look good, and I’m wondering how I never saw them before. Are they new? Anyway, I’m excited to make the pseudo-beef-n-broccoli stuff now. I also got a 4# box of strawberries. They’re juicy & a deep, deep red. I’ve already eaten a large bowl of them and will probably have another before bed.

The berries have gotten me excited about the upcoming Farmer’s Markets, which will start in May here in Denver. They won’t have great produce until June, but I still like to go. A friend and I have been talking about having a booth to sell baked goods this year. Just at this antique market called Paris that currently doesn’t have any food booths really. I have to look into it more to see whether we need a commercial kitchen or can bake at home and sell publicly. Hmmm. . . .

All I ate today was leftover stuff: pizza, a sandwich, yummy strawberry muffins (I’ll post that recipe later). Sunday is a lazy day, especially if I work, so I was pleased that I even got my spring cleaning started at all. I finished the office and got all the way thru the bedroom today. Two rooms down and, about, 7 to go, including rearranging the cupboards and kitchen and pantry. That should be fun. Tomorrow is the kitchen, part one. I need to clean out the fridge and freezer, tossing a bunch of stuff. I need to make room for my expanding freezer obsession!

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