Friday, January 15, 2010

Avocado & Cucumber Soup

Maybe nobody else looks for these easy blender soup recipes. Maybe it's just me out to score a speedy, healthy lunch with little cleanup. I am okay with being alone in this. Me and my soup. I think she took about three minutes to whiz together.

In case it needs saying, please don't heat your avocado soup up. It'll brown. As it is, the smoothness of the soup has a yogurt-like mouthfeel, and it's really subtle in flavor, much like the avocado itself. If you're serving it alongside something else, drink it first or you might find it bland. The cilantro helps perk up the blandness, but if you don't like cilantro, nix it. On the upside, it also adds dark green flecks to the soup and I think they're pretty.

Avocado & Cucumber Soup
Serves 2 as a side; 1 as a light lunch

1-1/2 cups water
1 ripe avocado
1/2 cucumber, peeled
1 T lime juice
a handful cilantro, optional

Blend until smooth. Season, then blend again. Let sit 5 minutes. Taste, then season again if necessary.

Prep time: 2 minutes

Blending: 30 seconds

Pouring: 30 seconds

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