Saturday, April 14, 2007

Day 103: Friday the 13th

The following bit of vegetarian humor is borrowed from the VegNews website
What NOT to Say to a Vegetarian

Veggie Humor Anonymous Vegan writes ", a leading dating site for vegans & vegetarians, reveals the most common (and irritating!) comments encountered by vegetarians. Surveying thousands of vegan & vegetarian members, has compiled the top ten comments most likely to get a veggie's goat....

What not to say to a vegetarian!

1) What do you eat?
2) How do you get your protein?
3) You don't look like a vegetarian.
4) I'm vegetarian too... apart from chicken... and fish... but they don't count.
5) You must be tempted by a bacon sandwich?
6) If it weren't for us (carnivores) there wouldn't be any animals.
7) I'm not a vegetarian, but I could never eat a dog or a horse, that's barbaric...
8) Don't worry, you'll grow out of it.
9) Here's some lettuce.
10) Why?

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