Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Day 101: Links

Once again, I’m on my lazy stint. I’m thinking that if I actually drove my ass to the gym I might have more energy, however my end of day legs are so very tired. And sore. And my feet feel like I weigh four hundred pounds. In fact, I’m starting to realize why people who do weight four hundred pounds do not exercise. It would be horribly painful.

Tomorrow I work a short shift, only 4.75 hours rather than the 8-hour shifts I’ve had the past few days. I was looking forward to it, but then I made an interview appointment for an hour after I’m off. So I won’t be taking the nap I’d scheduled in. Oh well, perhaps I’ll have money to show for it instead.

In hopes of inspiring others or at least sharing resources between vegheads, here are the websites I’ve used the most in the past few months. Sometimes it’s nice to have resources on files, just for when you need them.

Best Vegetarian Cooking & Resource Sites
Whole Foods Vegetarian Recipes
Seeds of Change (it’s not pretty, but there’s good stuff here)

Best General Cooking Sites
Jamie Oliver (LOVE him!)
101 Cookbooks Blog
The Bed and Breakfast Cookbook

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